Under Construction until April 4th.
Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper, by Charles C. Ebbets We’re undergoing some design changes here at T-Sides while we ramp up for our relaunch. Don’t mind the mess. In the meantime, read our new Statement of Purpose, and please check back on April 4th, when our design changes will be finished, and we’ll have entirely new...

Statement Of Purpose
Andy Goldsworthy, Cairn Consider the following points as our Statement of Purpose. T-Sides intends to explore and examine these thoughts in particular, but most importantly, these are simply interests, not rules or restrictions. Above all, T-Sides aims to capture the real cultural experience, and in doing so, there can be no rules. Just the mind,...

State of the T-Sides Nation: 2011
I’ve struggled for about a year now over what to do with T-Sides. I started T-Sides at a time when music writing and journalism were changing. Not to say that they aren’t still changing, or aren’t always changing, but my decade or so pursuing a journalism career has been stretched across a serious shift in...
Happy Birthday to…Us! T-Sides is Three Years Old!
Here at T-Sides, we’re celebrating the impending arrival of Valentine’s Day by acknowledging a very important relationship. Your relationship with yourself. Not to say that all those others aren’t important, too. But as that wise old sage Charles Bukowski says, “If you have the ability to love / love yourself first.” Ok, so Bukowski wasn’t...
T-Sides Elsewhere: T-Sides Interview Featured on PerfSpot.com
When you spend your time interviewing other people, the prospect of being the one answering the questions instead of asking them can be rather exciting. So, it’s with great excitement that I share with you this link to PerfSpot.com, who recently interviewed me for a feature on T-Sides. Unfortunately there’s no direct link to the...
If things seem a little quiet here at T-Sides lately, that’s because we’re moving! Not the website, it’ll still be right here, just our base of operations. We’re cookin’ up some great features for you, though, as always, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, here’s a little something in the spirit of relocating for...
Looking Forward & Looking Back: T-Sides is Two Years Old!
Amazingly enough, we’ve reached the two-year mark here at T-Sides. I say amazingly because as any avid blog reader/writer will tell you, blogs — and music blogs in particular — tend to have a short shelf life. After many unsuccessful brainstorms and attempts, T-Sides will not, in any foreseeable future, be implementing any sort of...
Vote T-Sides!
Today is the last day of the Hey! Nielsen & Billboard Best Music Blog Contest. If you haven’t already, you can vote for T-Sides by following these quick and easy steps: 1. Register by going here. Don’t worry, you can tell them not to spam you. 2. Vote by going here and clicking “rate it.”...
Hey! Nielsen and Billboard.com Best Music Blog Contest
I’m proud to announce that T-Sides has been nominated for the Best Music Blog Contest hosted by Nielsen and Billboard. There’s a long list of stellar nominees, but this is the first time T-Sides has been nominated for something, so it’s a note-worthy event. To cast a vote for T-Sides, register (don’t worry, you can...