Under Construction until April 4th.
Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper, by Charles C. Ebbets We’re undergoing some design changes here at T-Sides while we ramp up for our relaunch. Don’t mind the mess. In the meantime, read our new Statement of Purpose, and please check back on April 4th, when our design changes will be finished, and we’ll have entirely new...

Statement Of Purpose
Andy Goldsworthy, Cairn Consider the following points as our Statement of Purpose. T-Sides intends to explore and examine these thoughts in particular, but most importantly, these are simply interests, not rules or restrictions. Above all, T-Sides aims to capture the real cultural experience, and in doing so, there can be no rules. Just the mind,...

State of the T-Sides Nation: 2011
I’ve struggled for about a year now over what to do with T-Sides. I started T-Sides at a time when music writing and journalism were changing. Not to say that they aren’t still changing, or aren’t always changing, but my decade or so pursuing a journalism career has been stretched across a serious shift in...

Jake One: “Home”
This is all I have to say about Sunday – and I’m letting this song say it for me. Esp. the 2:34-2:50 mark. More on the state of T-Sides to come.

Ode To The 2010 Seahawks: The Reprise
I told you we’re hungry. What, you didn’t believe me? Surely you believe me now, having defeated the reigning Super Bowl Champs in the most glorious, nail-biting, Seattle-like fashion. I’ve watched Marshawn Lynch’s half-dozen-tackle-breaking-67-yard-run at least 10 times since Saturday, and you know what? It never gets old. But then, the greatest feats in sports...

Ode to the 2010 Seahawks
My ears have been burning lately. No doubt so have Pete Carroll’s, Matt Hassellbeck’s, Charlie Whitehurst’s, and the ears belonging to every player on the Seattle Seahawks, and all of their fans, ever since the Seattle Seahawks became the losingest winning team in NFL history last Sunday night. With their victory over the St. Louis...
Yeasayer @ Bowery Ballroom, Monday, February 8th, & @ Music Hall of Williamsburg, Tuesday, February 9th
Alternately titled: How I got in to Two Sold Out Yeasayer Shows in New York City, A Tale of Happiness & Triumph One of the biggest challenges a music writer can face is writing about a band you adore. Sometimes you like something so much that the task of describing it is an overwhelming pressure....
T-Sides Elsewhere, Oct. 4th Edition
If you want some idea of what I’ve been up to/where I’ve been hiding, you can tune in to East Village Radio tomorrow (Monday, Oct. 5th) morning, to hear me DJ the Domino Records Show from 10am – 12pm (EST). You can also listen to the last couple shows I DJed by going to the...
New Akron/Family: “River”
“You are no longer a river to me,” Miles Seaton sings on “River,” the new single from Akron/Family’s upcoming album, Set ‘Em Wild, Set ‘Em Free. Akron/Family: “River” (download) He compares his lover to several bodies of water – a docile stream, a glassy bay, a vast and open sea. And though his lover and...