Posts tagged "pitchfork"

Band of Horses or Band of Hypocrites?

[youtube][/youtube] It’s awfully hypocritical that after Ben Bridwell’s insufferable ranting about being famous for only “the Funeral,” — or, more specifically, people at certain shows only interested in “the Funeral,” same ballpark — Band of Horses allowed it to be used in a 2008 Ford Edge commercial. Remember this? Here’s the key excerpt: But then...

“Two Nights with Explosions in the Sky” or “Yet Another Reason Why Pitchfork Blows”

For a long time, whenever someone asked me about the best concert I’ve seen, Explosions in the Sky was always one of the first bands to come to mind. The first (and up until this week, only) time I saw them was at the now defunct NorthSix in Brooklyn during the Winter of, I think,...

Link Love, Part Three.

1. Next time you’re in the mood for some big-time drinking, try the Pitchfork Media Drinking Game. The downside? Actually reading Pitchfork may result in vomiting, even without alcoholic content in your body. 2. Since there’s been some negativity surrounding the boys of Two Gallants lately, I thought I’d point to something more positive. They...