Posts tagged "park slope"

David Byrne @ Prospect Park Bandshell, Monday, June 8th

An overwhelming 27,000 people showed up to see David Byrne play a free show at the Prospect Park Bandshell in Brooklyn on Monday night. The show was the opening of the 2009 Celebrate Brooklyn concert series. Celebration was easily the theme of the night, whether you were celebrating the fact that it didn’t rain, the...

T-Sides CMJ Wrap Up: Friday, Nov. 3

[In relation to my CMJ coverage, allow me to pre-emptively apologize for two things: 1) my camera is not fabulous with concert photos, 2) I won’t be hosting many mp3s direct. The reason for the latter is that my current connection is rather slow, so it takes me ages to download and upload things. Since...

I Will do Anything for Smooth Music.

I apologize for the lack of updates this week. Between interning, looking for jobs and getting ready to move out of the apt. where I was staying in Queens, it’s been a busy week. I have plenty to write about, but I’m still digesting a lot of it. However, one thing I did get to...

Harvey Danger: Better Than You Think

When I mention to someone that Harvey Danger is one of my favorite bands, two things invariably happen: 1) there’s a reaction along the lines of “oh yeah, I forgot about them,” and 2) there’s mention of “Flagpole Sitta.” (Unless I mention this in my & Harvey Danger’s hometown of Seattle, in which case this...