Quick Impressions

Quick Impressions: The Rocktober Concerts Edition

October gets nick-named “Rocktober” for reason – ’tis the season for concerts. I attended at least two a week, making it hard to find time to write about all them as soon as I would have liked to. Here are quick rundowns of the latest happenings. Fog, Torche & Jesu @ Blender Theater, Saturday, Oct....

Quick Impressions: Bat For Lashes, “Fur And Gold”

The songs. 1. “Horse and I”: Please tell me that’s a Theremin! Good sign. Military drum beat? Another good sign. Layered backing vocals? This just gets better and better. 2. “Trophy”: “Heaven is a feeling I get in your arms” might sound a little trite/contrived on paper, but sung by Ms. Khan with the Nick...

Quick Impressions: Rilo Kiley, “Under The Blacklight”

Things tend to get a little long-winded over here at T-Sides, I know. Sometimes I just get so excited I can hardly contain myself. But sometimes I can. As proof, I’m launching a new feature – “Quick Impressions,” in which I will review albums by jotting down a few words on each song as I...