Again, not ignoring you – just distracted/busy!

The internship has been going pretty well – like most internships, there’s lots of busy work to be done, and most of it isn’t remotely glamorous. I’ve spent most of my time putting together packets of some sort – gossip packets (all the major gossip columns in newspapers) and media packets (key news stories from a handful of newspapers) have to go out every day, and a forecast packet (list of upcoming releases for books/tv/cds/movies/etc) has to go out once a month.

For those of you paying attention to the issue #s, RS is coming up on its 1,000th issue. They’ll be doing a four-page spread about the covers, and we’ve been working on putting together the data for that. There’s a long hallway where all the covers are hanging up, and we basically stand in that all day, counting things like how many time someone is wearing sunglasses or is topless or what band has been on the cover most. It’s really fun to look at all the old covers, though – I think the Rolling Stones (esp. Mick & Keith) have been on the cover the most. Mick is actually on my favorite cover:

I don’t know what it is about this cover, I just like it. I found out the other day that you can actually see all of the covers online. You can really see who the mag favors most when you have all their covers infront of you.

The other thing the interns work on at RS is transcribing – I actually haven’t done much of this, but I did transcribe part of an interview with Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy. RS is working on a huge piece on them – probably Fall Out Boy: The Rolling Stone Interview or some such thing. If you’ve paid attention to their past couple issues, they’ve really been pushing them for whatever reason. Maybe they’re Jann’s favorite new band? I honestly haven’t really heard that much by the band, but I don’t know that I want/need to… However, the interview was quite interesting – mostly because apparently Stump writes most of the music, and so he was talking about his love for R&B/Soul, Folk and free Jazz. With his diverse taste and background, I’m surprised that he’s in a band like Fall Out Boy, but I guess it just shows you that you can’t make judgements about people – even based on what band they’re in. He also kept talking about how he didn’t want to be in the band at first, he just kind of got sucked into it. Overall, it was a surprisingly interesting interview even to someone who knows nothing about the band. I wonder how much of it they’ll use.

All the other interns are pretty chill – most of them are a few years out of school, which makes me feel pretty confident about where I stand in employers’ eyes, but worries me at the same time. I really hope I’m not still working internships a year or two out of college (a handful of them are even out of grad school!).