Posts tagged "sean nelson"

T-Sides’ 2007 in Review: Best Concerts

I refuse to whittle this down to just 10 shows. There were just too many standouts from this year, and all of them deserve to be recognized even if it means the defiance of a pretty number. 12. Kyp Malone @ Zebulon, Jan. 31st Kyp Malone is a member of TV on the Radio, one...

Sean Nelson on Harvey Danger

Last summer, I wrote an entry stating a case for Harvey Danger – a sorely under-appreciated band, and one of my favorites.  You can read it here. Now, Harvey Danger front-man Sean Nelson has been writing his own entries about their albums on his blog, and they’re definitely worth reading, whether you’re a Harvey Danger...

Racetrack: “Go Ahead and Say It” EP

Before we start, it’s disclosure time. I know Racetrack. I don’t know them in the OMG we’re best friends and we hang out all the time kind of way, but in a we saw each other at a lot of the same shows in Seattle and identified with some similar bands kind of way. And...