Nine Inch Nails @ DCU Center, Sunday, Nov. 9th
Image courtesy flickr user kernelslacker It would go against the trail-blazing spirit of Trent Reznor to use him as any sort of guideline, but it must be said that any arena rock band should turn to Reznor’s live show for inspiration. Every aspect of Sunday night’s show at the DCU Center in Worcester, MA was...
T-Sides Elsewhere, June 12th Edition
Bullz-Eye: I attended the Eagles concert at Madison Square Garden as part of the Long Road to Eden tour. Read my review here. Popdose: 2008 has been a lackluster year thus far, but now that summer is approaching, the new release calendar is heating up. I reviewed Scarlett Johansson’s weirdo Tom Waits cover album here,...
T-Sides Elsewhere.
Things have been a little quiet here, it’s true. That’s mostly because yours truly has been swept up in a flurry of writing activity for some other websites – and I’d like to take some time and point out a few. Bullz-Eye: I’m writing CD reviews for this Men’s/Entertainment site. Recently, I’ve covered Ray Davies’...
New Saul Williams: The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust
At this EXACT moment in time, I’m listening to the new Saul Williams album, The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust, out today (which is fortuitous timing when you consider this). Williams collaborated with Trent Reznor of NIN on this release and they’re releasing it Radiohead/Public Enemy-style: you can either download the album for...