Albums of the Year, Part 1: Fleet Foxes, “Helplessness Blues”
All My Life I Will Wait To Attain It By Taylor K. Long At some point in our 20s, we inevitably feel what can best be described as a burden of proof. We begin noticing milestones, the age of achievements. How Michelangelo was 29 when he finished “David.” How Franz Liszt was famous and touring...
Wild Beasts @ Music Hall of Williamsburg, Sunday, February 28th
When Wild Beasts came to New York City last fall, they found themselves in the pressured position of having a lot to prove. They’d made only one US trek beforehand, to SXSW. Members of the press came out in droves to hear and see the UK foursome, now on their second album, Two Dancers, which...
T-Sides is a Winner!
Thanks to all who voted in the Hey! Nielsen Best Music Blog contest. T-Sides made it into the Top 20! Congrats to the other winners, which include T-Sides reads like Brooklyn Vegan, Gorilla vs. Bear and My Kentucky Blog. Led Zeppelin: “Thank You” (download)
Vote T-Sides!
Today is the last day of the Hey! Nielsen & Billboard Best Music Blog Contest. If you haven’t already, you can vote for T-Sides by following these quick and easy steps: 1. Register by going here. Don’t worry, you can tell them not to spam you. 2. Vote by going here and clicking “rate it.”...
Bob Dylan’s “Not There”
Todd Haynes could not have chosen a more apt title for his Bob Dylan tribute film, I’m Not There. Dylan is not often found within the two hours and 25 minutes of the film: not in the character’s names, not in the soundtrack (the songs are covers), and only occasionally in the plot. As an...
Hey! Nielsen and Billboard.com Best Music Blog Contest
I’m proud to announce that T-Sides has been nominated for the Best Music Blog Contest hosted by Nielsen and Billboard. There’s a long list of stellar nominees, but this is the first time T-Sides has been nominated for something, so it’s a note-worthy event. To cast a vote for T-Sides, register (don’t worry, you can...
Sufjan Stevens @ BAM, Thursday, Nov. 1
It was difficult to walk into the world-premiere of Sufjan Stevens’ “symphonic and cinematic exploration” of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway without feeling the foreboding sense that something musically important was going to happen. Lofty expectations would be the death of nearly any other modern indie performer, but Stevens – who’s previously announced such infamous knee-buckling goals...