Posts tagged "dan bejar"
Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two

Taylor on Taylor: Episode Two

Last episode, Taylor K. Brown and I, Taylor K. Long, took you through the wild world of Katy Perry, Kanye West, sci-fi, sex metaphors, R. Kelly, Fleet Foxes and Starbucks. If you missed it, you can relive the glory here. This time, the Taylors go through an in-depth personality analysis of David Lynch, and explore...

Destroyer @ Bowery Ballroom, Wednesday, April 23rd

Image courtesy flickr user forklift The New Pornographers put on one of the worst concerts of recent memory at the Bowery Ballroom last August. It was so unbearable that writing a review would have been like rubbing alcohol on an open wound. A.C. Newman was acting like a real prick in-between songs, talking for longer...

T-Sides’ 2007 in Review: Top 10 Songs*

More often that not, Best Albums of 2007 lists have a lot of overlap with Best Songs of 2007 lists. To make things more interesting – for both of us – instead of a list of the 10 best songs overall (many of them would be on my 10 best albums), this is a list...

New Destroyer: “Foam Hands”

There’s no denying it. T-Sides drinks the Dan “Destroyer” Bejar kool-aid. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that there’s a new Destroyer track floating around the internet that I hadn’t heard! Destoyer: “Foam Hands” (download) I hate to say it, but this track makes me a tiny bit nervous. It’s not quite as exciting...

New Hello, Blue Roses: “Shadow Falls” and “Hello, Blue Roses”

There are about half a dozen other things I should be writing about in order to preserve one of the key elements of journalism: timeliness – however, I’ve become mildly obsessed with Dan Bejar since last year, so I can’t keep myself from jumping all over this. Hello, Blue Roses is the pairing of Dan...

The Canadian Music Scene is Like, So Incestuous.

Swan Lake: “All Fires” (download) Hey kids, do you like Spencer Krug (Frog Eyes, Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade)? How about Carey Mercer (Frog Eyes)? Oh, and what about Dan Bejar (Destroyer, New Pornographers)? If you answered “yes” to 1-3 of those questions, you’re in luck. The MP3 blogging world is atwitter with the recent news...