It’s no secret that yours truly has a strong love for a little twosome from San Francisco called Two Gallants. Of all the bands to grace these pages, they’ve probably appeared the most. If you’re anything like me, the more someone pushes something, the more apprehensive you become, so I don’t blame you if you’ve rolled your eyes at all my gushing about this band. That said, if you’re going to give them a chance (which you should — doesn’t everyone deserve a chance?), I urge you to do so with their latest single, “Seems Like Home To Me.”
Two Gallants: “Seems Like Home To Me” (download)
These three minutes and 47 seconds are filled with everything that makes this band so damn good. The old-time, Americana feel from Adam Stephens’ flawless guitar picking, the intensity of Tyson Vogel’s drumming, the constant pains of the rambling man evoked in the words, the shouts and strained, quivering vocals that burst with feeling. It suddenly becomes clear why Bright Eyes-driven Saddle Creek is such a good fit for these two — it’s the emotion, the catharsis, the storytelling. Like so many Two Gallants songs, listening to it gives the listener a feeling of having found a kindred spirit, and you’re driven to listen to it repeatedly, almost without knowing why.
“Seems Like Home To Me” is the first single from the Gallants’ upcoming EP, The Scenery of Farewell, which hits streets and stores on June 19th. If you pre-order from Saddle Creek, you’ll receive it two weeks early, so get to gettin’.
DOM says:
May 9, 2007
EF Matt says:
May 9, 2007
heh heh. you said Tyson.
Taylor says:
May 9, 2007
Yes! It was my secret thank you. Thank you!