One of my co-workers lived in Australia for awhile. A couple weeks ago, she was listening to an Australian radio station online. It was playing a really killer mix of music, mostly indie rock, but also a lot of great indie hip-hop. A song came on that I’d never heard, but I recognized something instantly familiar: Cee-Lo Green’s voice.

I wrote about my love for Cee-Lo back in the summer (which you can read here), but one thing I forgot to mention about him that I love is the fact that his voice is so unmistakable. I’d like to say that this isn’t so rare in the music industry, but let’s face it: someone comes out with a unique voice, and within the next year there are at least a couple of copycats. The best recent example of this is Fiona Apple and Regina Spektor. There is now somewhat of a bevy among female singer-songwriters who have very familiar vocal stylings. Though there have to be are others, the only person I can think of whose voice and style I can recognize instantly is Huey Lewis — and I’m sure he was immitated plenty and I’m just not aware of it.
Mayday: “Groundhog Day (Feat. Cee-Lo Green and DJ Craze)” (download)
Once again, Cee-Lo leaves a significant imprint on a song that he only has a small part in. He’s really just here for the chorus. But, something tells me it would move from being catchy to a little annoying if he weren’t there. Of course, I could be a little biased, so maybe that’s just me. Oh, and see if you notice the “Office Space” reference about half-way through. It should be pretty easy.
Coming soon: a review of Menomena’s Friend and Foe, and a mini-celebration of one year of T-Sides!
EF Matt says:
Jan 24, 2007
maybe if you’re not cheating to find the Office Space reference it’s easy…but if you go look up the lyrics on some BS site and read through them quickly after the song has already started while you’re “working” then BEWARE. you might just miss the reference in the song and never see it on the typed up lyrics. then you might have to listen to the song a second time which might leave you feeling rather silly. and that’d be no good.
tara says:
Jan 25, 2007
great song, thanks much.
and yes, the female voices ARE starting to really duplicate. the lily allens, amy winehouses…not that i don’t completely adore amy winehouse, but there’s a lot out there.
i just feel like the lady voices were all so different: ani difranco, tori amos, bjork, PJ harvey. they really blend together now.
Taylor says:
Jan 25, 2007
ani difranco is a perfect example… I love her, I love her voice, but now there are so many women out there duplicating that.
tara says:
Jan 25, 2007
now? yes, there totally are. at the time, she was a bit of a pioneer.
and now, yeah. not so much.
jason says:
Jan 30, 2007
i’m excited to see menomena & s friday night @ the croc. interested to know what you think of the new album.