Posts tagged "wilco"

Top 15 Music-Related Things We’ve Been Hearing, Reading, Thinking About For The Past Two Months

I’m truly sorry T-Sides and all related projects have been offline for so long. Chalk it up to summer, chalk it up to a quarter-life crisis, chalk it up to any sorry excuse for life taking us away from the things we love that require any amount of work. But let’s turn the focus on...

T-Sides’ 2007 in Review: Top Albums – the “Worst”

where “worst” = Top 5 albums I just couldn’t get into this year, no matter how hard (or little) I tried. 5. The National, Boxer It’s his voice. It’s also the inaccurate Springsteen references (can we please stop trying so hard to find people to carry the Springsteen torch? we really don’t need to find...