Posts tagged "vincent rendoni"
Beer as Heritage in the Pacific Northwest

Beer as Heritage in the Pacific Northwest

I’m visiting my family in Washington. I’ve only been at my mother’s house for about four hours, but I’m already reaching for a couple of beers. I take them from the outside fridge, and speed past barking dogs and bickering relatives to my mother’s deck. I close the sliding glass door and suddenly it’s quiet.......

T-Sides B-Sides: The Unbearable Lightness of Ween

It is with great delight that I welcome back Vincent “V-Sides” Rendoni to educate us on a band yours truly admits to knowing little to nothing about: Ween. Focusing on their magnum opus, The Mollusk, he presents a solid case on why they matter — sure to leave the unfamiliar and even some skeptics with...

T-Sides B-Sides: Lost MP3 of the Week: Animal Collective, “Fireworks”

The incredibly talented Vincent “Hey Is It Okay If I Get Called V-Sides?” Rendoni did such a wonderful job with his write-up on Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks that we decided we wanted him back. Luckily for all of us, he came back with this great write-up on Animal Collective that, personally, I could not agree...

T-Sides B-Sides: Van Morrison Should Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

Part of the reason why T-Sides has been so quiet these past few weeks is that, until about two weeks ago, I was busying myself with a Cultural Criticism class taken through NYU. As part of this, we of course read Lester Bangs’ now rather infamous diatribe on Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks, and just a...