Posts tagged "ragged wood"

T-Sides’ 2008 in Review: Albums

Usually T-Sides is a stickler for not releasing any sort of “Best of the Year” list until the year is actually over. However, because I had to write-up my list earlier than that for Bullz-Eye, and perhaps maybe a little bit because I wanted to be part of the Hype Machine Zeitgeist (yeah, I’ll admit...

Fleet Foxes @ Bowery Ballroom, Wednesday, July 9th

When the Fleet Foxes performed at Bowery Ballroom last week, frontman Robin Pecknold had a cold. But unlike a downtrodden, silent Frank Sinatra, the audience might have never known it if no one had told us (either the Dutchess or the Duke – the openers – mentioned it in their stage banter, as did Pecknold...