Posts tagged "narrow stairs"
Usually T-Sides is a stickler for not releasing any sort of “Best of the Year” list until the year is actually over. However, because I had to write-up my list earlier than that for Bullz-Eye, and perhaps maybe a little bit because I wanted to be part of the Hype Machine Zeitgeist (yeah, I’ll admit...
Bullz-Eye: It’s Death Cab for Cutie bonanza over at Bullz-Eye, where I wrote a review of their new album, Narrow Stairs, as well as a Deep Cuts feature and a Bio/Entertainer page. Also check out my review of the new OURS album, Mercy (Dancing for the Death of an Imaginary Enemy). Popdose: Recent reviews include...
Maybe it’s because I recently heard Narrow Stairs, Death Cab for Cutie’s upcoming album for the first time, maybe it’s because I’m going through Death Cab’s discography for a piece I’m working on, but for some reason or another, I find my long dormant appreciation for Ben Gibbard reawakening. For those of us who grew...