Posts tagged "keep it hid"

T-Sides’ 2009 in Review: Albums

Hey, look at that – we’re still alive! Complete truth: I meant to post this a good week earlier, but was having server troubles. 2009 was a rough year, personally, for your poor webmistress, but it would take quite something to stop the compiling of year end lists. Though, 2009 wasn’t such a competitive year...

T-Sides Elsewhere, April 23rd Edition

The webmistress has been a little preoccupied with looking for paying work, but I’m still out there, spreading the T-Sides love! Over on Popdose, I reviewed two albums that have a decent shot at making it to my year-end list: Neko Case’s Middle Cyclone, and the solo album from the Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach, Keep...