I’m not so smug as to think that I can pin-point the albums that will, in retrospect, stand out the most from the 2000s. Nor would it be accurate to argue that the albums that affected me the most on a personal level were “the best.” But if I were to completely take the personal...
Hey, look at that – we’re still alive! Complete truth: I meant to post this a good week earlier, but was having server troubles. 2009 was a rough year, personally, for your poor webmistress, but it would take quite something to stop the compiling of year end lists. Though, 2009 wasn’t such a competitive year...
Between the holiday build up and wind down, and winter being slow for the music biz, T-Sides biz has been slow, as well, but we’re still kickin’! The Top 10 list(s) appeared on Bullz-Eye, The Chicago Sun-Times and, of course, Largehearted Boy. T-Sides also won the best Top 10 Albums List of all Top 10...
The incredibly talented Vincent “Hey Is It Okay If I Get Called V-Sides?” Rendoni did such a wonderful job with his write-up on Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks that we decided we wanted him back. Luckily for all of us, he came back with this great write-up on Animal Collective that, personally, I could not agree...
where “worst” = Top 5 albums I just couldn’t get into this year, no matter how hard (or little) I tried. 5. The National, Boxer It’s his voice. It’s also the inaccurate Springsteen references (can we please stop trying so hard to find people to carry the Springsteen torch? we really don’t need to find...
Anyone remotely familiar with the psych-folk world will instantly recognize the name Animal Collective, who’ve been cranking out incredibly experimental, strange albums since 2000. Cutely enough, the labels putting out their releases are called Paw Tracks and Fat Cat. Even cuter is the fact that one of the members of Animal Collective calls his project...