I got so caught up in my excitement for St. Patrick’s Day that I completely forgot to link out to last week’s Week in Rock Roundtable. Last week, John from Lost in the ’80s joined, along with Gary from Media Hound and Will from Bullz-Eye. Don’t ask me what the current participant count is, because I have no clue!
Last week, we discussed even more Van Halen and even more of The Firm & Rolling Stones, plus Christine McVie and more. Check out the links for the discussion text and YouTube videos.
I’d like to give many thanks to the VH1 Best Week Ever Blog and WFMU’s Beware of the Blog for sending some love this way. And of course, the always wonderful Jeff of Jefitoblog, who just started a great series today called Point/Counterpoint, which is similar to something I’ve wanted to do in every publication I’ve been a part of, but never got together. The opening album? Pet Sounds.