Peter Parker: “Bender” (download)
Mudhoney: “Into The Drink” (download)
Have you ever been so hungover you can hardly walk? That was me today. Note to self: having four cocktails that aren’t the same kind of liquor should never be followed by two games of beirut. I would’ve posted earlier today, but I spent the majority of my day feeling nauseous in bed. I eventually had to force myself to get sick around 5pm, and wasn’t feeling even close to normal until 7pm, thus my posting in my blog on a Friday night lameness. However, it has given me a nice theme to work with here.
Peter Parker is pretty much the reason I got into indie rock of any kind. If they didn’t exist, I would still be listening to main-stream “alternative rock” bullshit. They disbanded years ago, but ran in the Harvey Danger, Death Cab For Cutie crowd in the Seattle music scene early on, and had the potential to have the same success. “Bender” is from their first album, Migliore!.
“Into The Drink” is my second favorite song off of Mudhoney’s Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, which you should listen to and own if you haven’t/don’t already. It’s one of my my favorite albums of the blossoming Seattle music scene of the early 1990s. (“Good Enough” (download) is my first favorite song from that album, if you’re wondering.)
Sorry for the shortened post, but I’m exhausted, and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang awaits me. If anything can make me feel better, I’m sure that Val Kilmer playing a gay detective can.